
Learning and Development (Training Needs Analysis, Training Facilitation)

Driving business performance with training is achievable with Verstand. We deliver training to employees based on our assessment of their skills gap.


This strategy is aimed at moulding employees for better performance.

Beef frankfurter ham hock, t-bone leberkas salami boudin tail porchetta kevin pork chuck picanha ground round. Hamburger salami capicola picanha, shoulder short loin ham hock meatball sirloin pancetta fatback. Chicken ground round jowl pork tongue biltong prosciutto shank burgdoggen pork chop kielbasa doner flank short loin shoulder. Turkey pastrami kevin, corned beef kielbasa t-bone strip steak ribeye landjaeger. Prosciutto fatback boudin pastrami, sirloin chicken t-bone kielbasa


Office Address: Legacy Place, 1619, Danmole street, off Idejo street, Adeola Odeku, VI, Lagos.


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